About Us

Our journey

Hospice Isle of Man was founded in 1983 by Nadene Crowther, MBE, and over the years we are proud to have become a cherished part of the community, offering a broad range of services to those in need.

For both patients and their loved ones, where the patient has a condition which is terminal or life-limiting, we provide excellence in both palliative and end of life care.

Over the last 40 years, we have cared for thousands of patients and those that matter to them, through our In Patient Unit, community nursing, wellbeing centre and our children’s Hospice; Rebecca House.

We provide our services free of charge to patients and their loved ones, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and are the only such facility available to the Island’s community. Our care is flexible and personal to you when you need it, in a setting of your choice, whether that be within our building, at home, from another healthcare provider or within a community setting.

As well as being dedicated to providing the highest quality of clinical care, we have also developed a range of additional services that enable people to live well through meeting their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.


We work closely with our partners at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to ensure that we are neither duplicating nor under-resourcing services available within our community.

In 2025 we will receive a cash contribution from the DHSC, which will support around 23% of our annual running costs. We therefore need to fundraise the remainder to meet our anticipated £7.1 million running costs.

We deliver all of our services completely free of charge to our service users, patients and those that matter to them. 

Our Senior Management Team

The Hospice Isle of Man Board of Governors and Committee Members, chaired by Chris Hall, delegate the daily responsibilities of clinical and non-clinical staff and volunteers to the Senior Management Team which is led by Chief Executive, John Knight. View our Board of Governors.

Our Strategy

Our new Strategy for the period 2024 - 2026 is now finished and in place for us here at Hospice. 

It is entitled ‘Measured Ambition’, to reflect that we want to continue our service developments but can and must only do so as and when we can afford them. Long term sustainability remains core to our coming years and how we manage the charity during these changing and challenging financial times. Accepting that, we must also ensure that Hospice is as active and open to the Manx public as it possibly can be. Please view our new strategy here.

Our Vision, Mission and Position

We didn't decide on this alone. Not only have we used multiple reference points, but we also engaged with our staff, volunteers and the general public and consulted with a range of professionals.

VisionExcellence in palliative and end of life care for our Island community

Mission - To provide excellent palliative and end of life care, whether directly or alongside others, respecting and valuing each individual and those who matter to them

Position - Leaders of palliative and end of life care in the Isle of Man

Our Vision, Mission and Position Statements provide the foundation of our organisational strategy as well as a framework of direction and guidance to help deliver strategic goals and serve our Island community.

Our Values

Our values are at the heart of everything we do. They are an important part of how we will deliver our strategy not only amongst our staff and volunteers, but in partnership with our communities. Staff worked with volunteers, service users and visitors to finalise the values.

Hospice and You 1

 Hospice Isle of Man Duty of Candour Report 2024


"You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life"

Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement.

Born 22 June 1918 in Barnet, Hertfordshire, Dame Cicely trained as a nurse, a medical social worker and finally as a physician.  Involved with the care of patients with terminal illness since 1948, she lectured widely on this subject, wrote many articles and contributed to numerous books.

Dame Cicely founded St Christopher’s Hospice in 1967 as the first hospice linking expert pain and symptom control, compassionate care, teaching and clinical research. 



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