Hospice visit from Dr Chris Kewley

Dr Chris Kewley, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health and Medicine at the University of Newcastle, Australia, re-visited his roots earlier this year.

Originally from the Island, Chris paid us a visit on his way home from the International Conference on Integrated Care in Utrecht, Netherlands, to find out about our plans to integrate palliative and end of life care across the Island. This is to provide he right care at the right time in the right place every time.

Whilst here, he gave a fascinating presentation to an audience that included partners from the Department of Health and Social Care, Hospice staff and other Third Sector representatives. Chris gave examples of how Australia, although a big Island, is not that different from our small island in the challenges of integrating its health care services. Examples of which included political, geographical, technological and financial challenges and the barriers created by complex systems.

We were very interested to hear about the online Innovation Exchange set up by the New South Wales Ministry of Health which provides a collaborative hub where local innovative improvement projects and resources are shared and promoted.

While no integrated care system is exactly the same as any other, it is only by networking, sharing and learning from one another that we will move closer to our goal of integrating palliative and end of life care across the Island.

The Island plan “Marketing Integrated Palliative and End of Life Care” will be launched at the DHSC Integrated Care Symposium on 14th September, so make sure this is on your essential reading list.

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